Young people walk together for a culture of hospitality

28 June 2024|Alberto Ares

In Brussels, JRS Europe and its partners have lived a unique experience, within the context of the shared project CHANGE environment, a path that led a group of students and educators from several countries to share three days, in which we had a space to walk together in hospitality.

These three days were a way to celebrate the end of a project, but it did not mean that we stopped walking. Our commitment is that our life will be the change we want to see in our world, with a more supportive and hospitable society.

That is why today we joined many people in the world who are walking for hospitality.

#PathsofHospitality is an initiative whose aim is to develop a culture of solidarity and inclusion with people who are forced to migrate. To leave prejudice behind and build a culture of hope as well as meaningful encounters.

Paths of Hospitality’ is a tribute to all those who flee the horror of war and violence, poverty, climate change and who must walk to save their lives. We set out to walk for peace, solidarity and hospitality.

There are many paths that migrants and refugees are forced to take: from situations of violence and armed conflict, through great need and injustice, lack of sufficient resources, and ultimately climate change.

This situation means that more than 120 million people worldwide are displaced, according to the UNHCR. Of these, 37.6 million are refugees.

Europe faces a key turning point with the implementation of a Pact on Migration and Asylum that puts at risk the enforcement of human rights at its external borders. In other regions of the world, barriers and walls have been erected to prevent people fleeing horrors from building a life project. Through #PathsofHospitality we want to bring about a future of hope.


From CHANGE Environment we want to finally open the door to this global action to raise awareness about Hospitality, because Hospitality empowers our Hope, and Hope is the Path.

Human migration is a reality and a global phenomenon. That’s why the activities at Paths of Hospitality take place in different parts of the world as a show of support for fraternity and hope that are rooted in hospitality.

As a group walking together from Brussels, we wanted to make it clear that together we want to walk for hospitality.

Read more about the PathsOfHospitality campaign: