JRS Europe hosts capacity-building sessions for partners

22 March 2022

Related: JRS Europe
Online training on environment “Caring from our common home” with the JRS national offices

In February and March JRS Europe organized 4 capacity-building sessions online addressing the topics of environment, gender, communications and programmes management. The trainings were aimed for JRS network of partner offices in Europe; and over 20 directors and staff members from different countries attended each session. 

As key elements of our work included in our new “Strategic Framework for JRS in Europe 2022-2024: Keeping hope alive across Europe”, the sessions on environment and gender equity were an opportunity to consider important themes that are always present in our projects today.   


  • Environment: “Caring from our common home”  by Jose Ignacio Garcia,  director of Cristianisme i Justicia (former JRS E Regional Director). 

Our former JRS Europe Director Jose Ignacio Garcia invited us to consider sustainability in our actions, using a 3-way approach: 1) short term, regarding environmental care in everyday activities, such as food distribution; 2) medium term, focusing on how to include sustainability in our project design, 3) long term, focusing on environmental migrations and the impact of climate change on people on the move. 


  • Gender equity: “Introduction to Gender sensitivenessby Alboan (Spanish SJ cooperation and development NGO from the Bask country). 

Our Spanish partner Alboan led an interactive training on how to raise awareness on gender issues and work towards gender equality, in a way that is effective and aligned with our mission. JRS partners discussed the challenges faced by women and other vulnerable individuals in the context of migration, and shared solutions with a gender-based approach. 



  • Programmes: Project Cycle Management” by Christoph Klotz and Carola Jimenez, JRS Europe.
  • Communications: “JRS Communications Strategy” by Sara Garcia, JRS Europe, and ZN Consulting. 

 These two trainings on communications and project management were led by JRS Europe, aimed at strengthening capacity in our offices and ensure innovation in our medium and long term projects. Our aim is to ensure quality standards across the network and contribute to building a portfolio of best practices, that will allow us to pursue our mission to serve, accompany and advocate for refugees in Europe.