“A Europe of Inclusion”: the new campaign by JSR Europe challenges young people to think of refugees when building a better society

17 September 2021

On the occasion of the European Youth Event 2021, which takes places in Strasbourg on 8-9th October, Jesuit Refugee Service Europe launches the “A Europe of Inclusion” campaign, prompting young people to build an inclusive society where everyone is welcome and can participate.

“Everyone” includes refugees, too. Refugees living in EU cities are often subject to prejudice and discrimination, with rising numbers of racist incidents and worsening anti-refugee attitudes. Discrimination, in turn, makes it difficult to access services, join the labour market, and participate in society. JSR Europe stands for the inclusion of migrants and refugees as key to the well-being of European societies, with young people playing a crucial role in making that happen.

On 8th October, JRS Europe, supported by volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps and two refugees from Mozambique and Syria who now live in Belgium, will lead a workshop at the European Youth Event to engage young people on the issue of refugee inclusion. The participants will have the opportunity to hear Ivo and Zana’s stories, ask questions and engage in discussion, sharing opinions on the topic but also ideas to tackle refugee discrimination. An interactive wall will gather the ideas and the most interesting thoughts will be shared online and to members of EU Parliament.

JRS Europe asks governments to take responsibility for facilitating the integration and inclusion of migrants and refugees in our societies and to actively encourage and promote citizens’ involvement to foster encounters, create understanding among different communities and effectively combat racism and xenophobia.

The important factor in understanding migration is empathy. To me a #EuropeofInclusion means a region where everyone can take part and where everyone has the same rights. I want to live in a Europe where everyone is welcome.
Maria, European Solidarity Corps volunteer at JRS Europe