UN Summit addressing large movements of refugees and migrants
12 September 2016

Brussels, 12 September 2016 – More than 150 heads of state and government are due to gather at the UN on September 19th to lay the foundations for a new global framework to address large movements of refugees and migrants.
The report “In Safety and Dignity: addressing large movements of refugees and migrants”, published last April, provides background and recommendations in preparation for the high-level plenary meeting. Recommendations aim to ensure at all times the human rights, safety and dignity of refugees and migrants, protecting those who are compelled to undertake such journeys, and preventing the discrimination and countering the xenophobia they frequently encounter. A more predictable and equitable way of responding to large movements of refugees is called for through the adoption of a global compact on responsibility-sharing for refugees.
After concertation with governments, the UN published in August an ‘outcome document’ to be adopted at the September meeting. The cornerstone of the new deal is global responsibility sharing – no country should have to take on more than its fair share and all states should recognize their common legally binding responsibilities to fulfil the human rights of people who have been forced to leave their homes due to war or persecution. "But instead of responsibility sharing many states are continuing to indulge in short-sighted, and ultimately self-defeating, responsibility shifting," according to Amnesty International.
In a press-statement on September 8th, JRS international together with Caritas International underline the absolute necessity of an important step towards the global governance of migration and development.
“We have long called for a people-centred, human rights and dignity approach to internal and international migrants and refugees. We welcome the focus on respecting the rights of all migrants and a shared responsibility for refugee reception.”
In addition, JRS Europe deeply regrets that paragraph 2.12 retains condoning language of a "last resort" and "for the shortest possible amount of time" notwithstanding that the immigration detention of children always contravenes the best interests of the child.
Further information:
In advance of both the UN Summit for Refugees & Migrants and the U.S. Leaders’ Summit, JRS USA released an education-focused statement – as part of the Global Campaign for Education. Read the statement here.
In Safety and Dignity : addressing large movements of refugees and migrants
Amnesty International: UN Refugee Summit talks end in abject failure
We have long called for a people-centred, human rights and dignity approach to internal and international migrants and refugees. We welcome the focus on respecting the rights of all migrants and a shared responsibility for refugee reception.