Shaping a Europe that works for all through The Power of Voting
10 April 2019

Brussels, 10 April 2019 – With the European Parliament elections fast approaching, JRS launches #ThePowerofVote campaign calling the European citizens to vote while keeping in mind the rights of refugees and asylum seekers.
Practices, such as the absence of safe and legal pathways; the extensive use of detention of asylum seekers; the worsening shortage of dignified living conditions; and discrimination against migrants; show that EU common values and principles are at stake.
At JRS, we believe that the most fundamental resource in Europe today is our vote and call on European citizens to stand up for the future of the EU and the fate of asylum seekers in Europe.
We vote for a Europe that leaves no one behind and stays true to its values.
We vote for a “Europe of protection” because the European Union must protect the rights of those who are looking for a safe haven to continue their lives in peace. Safe and legal pathways to reach European territory will reduce the number of people who die trying to reach Europe.
We vote for a “Europe of dignity” that creates humane and dignified reception facilities for people in need of protection. Dignity is the necessary precondition for a successful social inclusion for every human being.
We vote for a “Europe of liberty” because the EU is committed to respect the value and fundamental right to liberty not only for its citizens, but for all people. Despite this commitment, detention within the asylum and migration procedures is still an everyday practice both within the territory of EU Member States and at their external borders. We call on Member States to stop detaining vulnerable people, including children, and to explore alternatives to detention.
We vote for a “Europe of equality” in which integration of all citizens, including asylum seekers, refugees and forced migrants, is a reality. It is possible to fight racism and xenophobia and build an inclusive and equal society by starting to learn lessons from best practices and existing positive experiences. We support an EU that assists national governments by providing funding and expertise on migration and asylum and fosters dialogue between citizens’ initiatives and local authorities.
The European Parliament can play a crucial role in shaping an EU policy that provides safe and legal pathways to protection, guarantees dignified reception conditions for all people asking for protection in Europe, utilises alternatives to detention and always strives toward an inclusive society for all.
This May, go to vote because you have #ThePowerofVote!
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