New Security Decree in Italy
25 July 2019

Rome, 25 July 2019 – JRS Italy (also known as Centro Astalli) expresses serious concern about the vote of confidence in the Parliament on the New Security Decree about migration in Italy.
The Security Decree and the vote of confidence in the Parliament undermine any possibility of debate. Instead, it focused the attention on aspects that present strong controversy.
Centro Astalli highlights that the people who violate the rules are not those who save lives at sea, but those who prevent or refuse to do so.
Migration management is a European topic that requires common commitment and responsibility. Italy should thus work towards common and shared solutions.
"Rescue operations at sea would no longer be necessary if governments opened legal pathways of entering the EU, such as humanitarian channels, evacuation plans from Libya and countries at war. Allowing people to enter Europe safely would avoid unnecessary dangers and untold suffering to many people. Safe and legal pathways would help to guarantee the reception and integration of migrants, as well as to seriously hampering human trafficking. Migrants represent humanity on a journey in search of justice and rights, even at the cost of their lives, they should not be instruments for political propaganda,” said Fr Camillo Ripamonti, director of Centro Astalli.
Article previously published by Centro Astalli.