JRS Malta and Integra publish 3 policy papers on refugee integration
23 July 2019

Brussels, 23 July 2019 – JRS Malta and Integra Foundation launched three fresh new publications on refugee integration.
Published in the context of Project Integrated, with the support of UNHCR Malta, the three policy papers are intended to guide JRS Malta and Integra’s advocacy with Government on key aspects of refugee integration. In the coming months the two organisations will be engaging in dialogue sessions with Ministries and other entities so as to present their views and discuss ways forward.
The policy papers, published as an on-going series of policy input, are as follows:
- Family Unit: a Fundamental Right highlights our concerns with Malta’s absolute ban on family reunification for beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, and urges Government to grant this right;
- Input to the Ministry for European Affairs and Equality on the Migrant Integration Strategy and Action Plan focuses on the newly-adopted national integration strategy and seeks to strengthen its effectiveness by suggesting ministry-by-ministry actions and interventions;
- Long-Term Residence and Citizenship by Naturalisation: A Necessity for Integration underlines the challenges faced by refugees as they attempt to secure a more stable presence in Malta, with a series of recommendations on how to make these avenues more accessible to them.