JRS granted Father Arrupe of Human Rights Award
08 May 2020

Brussels, 8 May 2020 – The Instituto de Estudios sobre Migraciones (IUEM) of the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas has granted the 2020 Father Arrupe of Human Rights Award to the Jesuit Refugee Service for their commitment to accompany refugees all around the world. During the second edition of the award presentation, the institute, renowned in the research and approach to immigration, asylum, and migratory movement, once again recognizes the merit of people and institutions that stand out in their dedication.
For JRS’s International Director, Tom Smolich SJ, “this award that bears the name of Father Arrupe, who founded the Jesuit Refugee Service 40 years ago with an enormous vision, is a recognition of everyone who throughout these four decades served, accompanied, and advocated the cause of refugees and other forcibly displaced people, helping to make their faces visible and their voices heard.”
The award is named after the Jesuits superior, Father Arrupe, a pioneer in denouncing the treatment of those forcibly displaced and refugees. Along with JRS, journalist Jesus Blasco de Avellaneda was also recognised under the category of Journalism and Migration. Avellaneda is recognised for his professionalism and commitment to defend the fundamental rights of journalism, including press liberty and freedom of expression, and dignity of the most vulnerable.
The award ceremony was via webinar on May 20 at 6:00 p.m. Cardinal Michael Czerny, SJ, responsible for the Vatican’s Migrants and Refugees Section delivered the award. The event is accesible at the following link.