JRS Europe Annual Report 2017
14 June 2018

Brussels, 14 June 2018 – JRS Europe is pleased to present the Annual Report 2017. The report details work by the Regional Office in Brussels as well as 17 national JRS offices across Europe, over the course of 2017.
Here the director’s foreword:
Over the course of 2017, JRS programmes, services and outreach had a meaningful impact on the lives of thousands of refugees in Europe.
From psychosocial and pastoral support in detention centres to legal counselling, vocational training, education for children and adults, and many social and cultural activities, JRS continued its mission to accompany, serve and advocate for and with refugees.
In addition to day-to-day services, JRS national offices took part in three major pan-European projects in 2017, coordinated by JRS Europe.
Firstly, ‘I Get You’, co-funded by the European Union, and focussed on refugee inclusion across nine countries concluded in December with a final report. This was the culmination of over two years of networking and research on community building initiatives running diverse projects with refugees in Europe. A simultaneous online campaign saw ten campaign videos released on World Refugee Day.
Secondly, our human rights observatory ‘Protection at External Borders (PEB)’ involving seven countries on the geographic edges of the European Union saw the collection of further data and publication of refugee testimonies highlighting the violence and injustice still faced by forced migrants at these borders. The conclusions and policy recommendations will be published in the summer of 2018.
Finally, ‘Communities of Hospitality’ saw the creation of new associations, projects and campaigns aiming to welcome and include refugees such as the ‘At Home’ project in the United Kingdom, ‘Up Together’ in Belgium, ‘JRS Welcome’ in France and the ‘Hospitalidad’ campaign in Spain.
As ever, we express of deepest thanks and gratitude to everyone who has been a part of our mission; not least refugees themselves who with their deep hope and spirit continue to inform and guide us in so many inspirational ways.
Jose Ignacio Garcia SJ
Regional Director, JRS Europe
June 2018
Read the full report here
As ever, we express of deepest thanks and gratitude to everyone who has been a part of our mission.