Ongoing protection concerns at the EU’s external borders
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
Press Club Brussels Europe (Rue Froissart 95, Brussels)
During the past two years, arrivals of refugees and migrants to Europe’s gates dropped considerably from the levels of 2015 and 2016. At the same time, public and media attention on deaths at sea, push-backs along the Balkan route and inhuman conditions in overcrowded reception centres has dropped as well.
On the eve of World Refugee Day, JRS Europe will draw attention back to the EU’s external borders – where people in need of protection are still arriving, their journeys to Europe are becoming more dangerous and their welcome in Europe colder.
Register here to attend
11.00 – 11.15 Registration
11.15 – 11.20 Welcome by Jose Ignacio Garcia, Director of JRS Europe
11.20 – 11.30 Introductory remarks by Elly Schlein, Member of the European Parliament
11.30 – 11.45 Forgotten at the gates of Europe: JRS Europe’s report findings by Claudia Bonamini, Policy & Advocacy Officer of JRS Europe
11.45 – 12.15 A voice from the border: Interview with Bohran Alzibi, Syrian refugee currently living in Romania
12.15 – 13.20 Protection concerns at the EU’s external borders: Discussion with Julia Behrens, Legal Research Officer of EU Fundamental Rights Agency; Stefan Maier, Senior Policy Officer of UNHCR Regional Representation for EU Affairs and Kris Pollet, Head Legal and Policy Research of ECRE
13.20 – 13.30 Concluding remarks by Claudia Bonamini
After the event, we invite you for a networking lunch.