“Disembarkation, finally!” – Joint NGO reaction to the authorisation to disembark 49 rescued migrants
09 January 2019

Malta, 9 January 2019 – We welcome Malta’s decision to allow the disembarkation of the 49 migrants rescued by NGO boats, most of whom spent 18 days at sea. Disembarkation will ensure that they are provided with safety, shelter, and care.
We also appreciate the solidarity expressed by other Member States and institutions of the European Union, in agreeing to share the responsibility of hosting the rescued migrants.
Such sharing of responsibilities is essential if the EU is to deal effectively with forced migration in a manner that is fair and respectful of fundamental human rights.
We underline the need to ensure that each and every one of the migrants is granted full access to asylum procedures so they will be able to get the protection that they need.
We sincerely hope that this will not happen again, and that respect for life and human dignity will remain at the heart of Malta’s approach towards refugees and migrants.
This statement is issued by the following organisations:
1. aditus foundation
2. African Media Association Malta
3. agara foundation
4. Allejanza kontra il-Faqar
5. Allied Rainbow Communities
6. Art4Life
7. Caritas Malta
8. Catholic Voices
9. Christian Life Community (CLC) Malta
10. Creative Arts Therapies Society (CATS)
11. Dar Merhba Bik
12. Dar tal-Providenza
13. Department for Inclusion and Access to Learning, University of Malta
14. Department of Gender Studies, University of Malta
15. Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Malta
16. Department of Youth and Community Studies, University of Malta
17. Drachma LGBT
18. Drachma Parents
19. Fondazzjoni Ejjew Ghandi
20. Foundation for Shelter and Support of Migrants (FSM)
21. Integra Foundation
22. International Association for Refugees
23. Isles of the Left
24. Jesuit Refugee Service Malta
26. Kummissjoni Gustizzja u Paci
27. Kunsill Studenti Universitarji
28. LGBTI+ Gozo
29. Malta Association for the Counselling Profession
30. Malta Catholic Youth Network
31. Malta Chamber of Psychologists
32. Malta Emigrants’ Commission
33. Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement
34. Maltese Association of Psychiatry
35. Maltese Association of Social Workers (MASW)
36. Men Against Violence
37. Migrants Women’s Association Malta (MWAM)
38. Moviment Graffiti
39. National Foster Care Association
40. OASI Foundation
41. Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Social Wellbeing, University of Malta
42. Paulo Freire Institute
43. Peace and Good Foundation
44. People for Change Foundation
45. Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta
47. Richmond Foundation
48. Salesians of Don Bosco
49. Segretarjat Assistenza Socjali tal-Azzjoni Kattolika Malta
50. Society of Jesus in Malta
51. Solidarity with Migrants Group
52. SOS Malta
53. Spark 15
54. St Jeanne Antide Foundation
55. St Vincent de Paule Society
56. Studenti Harsien Socjali (SHS)
57. The Critical Institute
58. Troupe 18:45
59. University of Malta Chaplaincy
60. Victim Support Malta
61. Women’s Rights Foundation
62. Youth Alive Foundation